Prehospital Care Reports
ePCR presentation 3.3.2021 at Steuben Co Sheriff's Office
ePCR presentation 3.11.2021 at EMSTAR
At this time we are able to onboard participants to the BLSFR and Ambulance ImageTrend Elite site TEST version. If anyone would like access we can set you up on the platform. This should be restricted to agency leadership first to help you decide. Then opened up to providers. Once we have you set up, you will be able to go in and enter sample data. Anyone who would like access should email the following to Mike Pirozzolo
Full Name/Agency name address and phone/ NYS DOH Provider number and level (if you are not a provider then your DOB)/ Email address
NYS Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
ePCR (Electronic Prehospital Care Reports)
Three options for electronic submission of patient care to New York State. Two methods will qualify EMS agencies to either initiate or continue participation in the NYS Continuing Medical Education (CME) Recertification Program.
All EMS agencies not currently documenting on an ePCR program must start the process by March 31, 2021 and finish the transition no later than June 30, 2021.
Enrollment in One of These Programs
Ambulance Documentation Standard
Qualifies the EMS Agency to participate in the NYS Continuing Medical Education (CME) Recertification Program
A team of ALS and BLS Agency Leadership, Regional Program Agencies and the Bureau have collaborated to produce a documentation standard as a response to feedback received from EMS Providers, EMS Agency Leadership, Regional Program Agencies, Medical Directors and ePCR Software Vendors. The documentation standard has been developed to be situationally relevant, encourage comprehensive professional pre-hospital care reports and facilitate the utilization of pertinent negatives where fitting and appropriate.
The Ambulance and Advanced Life Support ePCR Entry Form on ImageTrend is available at no expense for any Ambulance or Advanced Life Support EMS Agency. If the qualifying EMS Agency wishes to include additional services from ImageTrend (CAD Integration, Automated Billing Export, NFIRS Reporting or Elite Field (the ability to enter into the program without a wireless connection)) or ECG monitor importing there is an additional separate expense contracted between the EMS Agency and ImageTrend directly.
The implementation of the Ambulance and Advanced Life Support ePCR Entry Form on ImageTrend by an EMS Agency qualifies the EMS Agency to participate in the Continuing Medical Education (CME) Recertification Program.
If your EMS Agency is selecting ImageTrend, the software is recommended to be used on a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 or greater, Motion R12, Panasonic Toughpad FZ-G1, Panasonic Toughpad CF-20, iPad Air (and Air2) – 9.7”, iPad Mini (and Mini HD, Mini 2, Mini 3) – 7.9”, Galaxy Tab Pro – 8.4” or Nexus 10. The software is supported on Safari, Chrome, Chrome Mobile or Firefox browsers.
EMS agencies wishing to start documenting electronically or transition to the free Ambulance and ALS First Response form, should follow the directions on the ALS First Response Form DOH 5136 and submit the form to the Regional Program Agency following the timeframes indicated on the template.
BLS First Response Documentation Standard
Qualifies the EMS Agency to participate in the NYS Continuing Medical Education (CME) Recertification Program
A team of BLS FR Agency Leadership, Regional Program Agencies and the Bureau have collaborated to produce a documentation standard built around the time factors, response environment and expected limited patient contact time that allows a significantly reduced number of required fields, allows for electronic participation in regional QI programs, and eligibility in the Continuing Medical Education (CME) Recertification Program.
The BLS FR ePCR Entry Form on ImageTrend is available at no expense for any BLS FR EMS agency in New York State. If the EMS Agency wishes to include additional services from ImageTrend (CAD Integration, Automated Billing Export, NFIRS Reporting or Elite Field (the ability to enter into the program without a wireless connection) there is an additional separate expense contracted between the EMS Agency and ImageTrend directly.
If your EMS Agency is selecting ImageTrend, the software is recommended to be used on a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 or greater, Motion R12, Panasonic Toughpad FZ-G1, Panasonic Toughpad CF-20, iPad Air (and Air2) – 9.7”, iPad Mini (and Mini HD, Mini 2, Mini 3) – 7.9”, Galaxy Tab Pro – 8.4” or Nexus 10. The software is supported on Safari, Chrome, Chrome Mobile or Firefox browsers.
EMS agencies wishing to start documenting electronically or transition to the free BLS First Response form, should follow the directions on the BLS FR ePCR Entry Form DOH 5136 and submit the form to the Regional Program Agency following the timeframes indicated on the template.
Paper PCR
Does not qualify the EMS Agency to participate in the NYS Continuing Medical Education (CME) Recertification Program
The Bureau is transitioning the submission of the yellow copy of the Version 5 Paper PCR from the Regional Program Agency to a direct submission by the EMS Agency through an online portal immediately after the response is completed.
The Paper PCR Portal has been created to require no more than 40 fields to be entered and allow concise documentation of procedures performed or medications administered. The Paper PCR Portal allows for ease in population in regional Quality Improvement programs as well.
If your EMS Agency is selecting ImageTrend, the software is recommended to be used on a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 or greater, Motion R12, Panasonic Toughpad FZ-G1, Panasonic Toughpad CF-20, iPad Air (and Air2) – 9.7”, iPad Mini (and Mini HD, Mini 2, Mini 3) – 7.9”, Galaxy Tab Pro – 8.4” or Nexus 10. The software is supported on Safari, Chrome, Chrome Mobile or Firefox browsers.
Submitting Paper PCRs through the Paper PCR Portal does not qualify an EMS Agency to participate in the Continuing Medical Education (CME) Recertification Program.
Regional Program Agencies will no longer provide paper PCRs after 03/31/2021. EMS Agencies seeking 1:1 replacement paper PCRs must request from the Data and Informatics Unit at .
EMS agencies wishing to submit their paper PCRs through the Paper PCR Portal should follow the directions on the Paper PCR Portal Form DOH 5136 and submit the form to the Regional Program Agency following the timeframes indicated on the template.
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Recertification Program
The 2019 release of the CME Program Manual states that “Agency participants must comply with Bureau of EMS Policy Statement 12-02 and complete a Patient Care Report (PCR) for every EMS response. Agencies participating in the CME recertification program will be required to submit PCRs to the department electronically on or before January 1, 2022.”
Policy 12-02 Pre-Hospital Care Reports
EMS agencies must complete a PCR/ePCR each time the EMS agency is dispatched for any type of response; including, but not limited to:
- Patients transported to any location
- Patients who refuse care and/or transport
- Patients treated by one agency and transported by another
- Calls where no patient contact is made, such as:
- Calls cancelled before reaching the scene
- Calls where no patient is located
- When dispatched for a stand-by
- Events
EMS agencies must adhere to all of the following:
- Be in compliance with all applicable sections of Article 30 and Part 800
- Be currently submitting paper PCRs to the Regional Program Agency on a routine and on-going basis
- Contact the Department, in writing, to determine electronic reporting requirements and request approval for electronic submission (DOH 5136, which is submitted through your regional program agency), and request approval for electronic submission
- If the software being considered for purchase is not currently mapped and submitting to the NY state data repository, testing of the data compliance must occur to insure proper format and electronic transmission of the satisfaction of the Department and the Regional Program Agency
- Submit PCR data to the Department in the specified data file format at predetermined and scheduled intervals
- Receive endorsement from the appropriate Regional Emergency Medical Services Council(s) (REMSCO) and Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee(s) (REMAC) in writing
- All EMS services must submit the standard NYS data file to the Regional Program Agency in a compatible format on a regular and routine schedule determined by the program agency.
- Apply for, and receive, an account with the Department’s Health Commerce System (HCS). This may be done with assistance from the Regional Program Agency.
- If any changes or interruptions are made to the electronic patient record system that may affect data submission, the EMS service must notify the Department, in writing, ten (10) business days in advance of implementation. It is the Department’s expectation that once a service converts to an electronic data collection (ePCR) system, that service will maintain the electronic system and NOT revert back to a paper-based system.
Peter L. Brodie, BS, AEMT
Deputy Chief, Data and Informatics Unit
EMS Data Manager
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems
New York State Department of Health
875 Central Avenue
Albany, New York 12206
Ph: 518.402.0996
Michael Pirozzolo,
Executive Director/Chief Operating Officer
NYS EMS Program Agency Serving Chemung, Schuyler & Steuben Counties
1058 West Church St. Elmira, NY 14905
Ph: 607.732.2354