1. Provide online access for 50% of the program
  2. Provide a New York State Certified CIC for core content
    1. Provide a schedule of core content dates, times and locations
    2. Provide subject matter to be covered in each session
    3. Provide all required NYS skills evaluations for participants
    4. Track student progress throughout recertification
    5. Assist departments with reimbursement documentation
    6. EMSTAR will provide 1- year online access for non-core content and provide CPR recertification.
  3. Maintain Backup documentation for all enrolled students
  4. Assist with aspects of the program administration:
    1. Enrollment in the CME program
    2. Track student progress throughout recertification
    3. Online course administration
    4. Application for vendor number and reimbursement requests
    5. Final recertification documentation to NYS DOH BEMS
  5. CPR recertification for participants


  1. Request for Agency CME participation (EMSTAR will assist)
  2. Acceptance of Policies and Procedures for CME program
  3. Enrollment in the CME program with NYS DOH BEMS (EMSTAR will Assist)
  4. Establish record keeping system for the program
  5. Provide interested candidates for program participation
    1. Establish candidate’s responsibilities for the program
    2. Familiarization with the core content and additional hours
    3. Provide a schedule of core dates, times and locations being offered
  6. Maintain current education files for all candidates (files must be within 30 days of being current at all times).
  7. Support Administration of the program (non-compliant students, etc.)
  8. Pay Registration fee for each participant to cover hard costs ($100 up front to register each participant). Balance of $200 to be paid upon reimbursement from New York State (CME recert reimbursement is $300). Therefore, no cost to agency as long as participant completes the program.
  9. Upon participant completion – payment balance for CME program (cost will not not exceed CME reimbursement of $300/student)

Which certification levels may recertify via CME?


Requirements for CME recertifications.

  1. Be currently certified
  2. Free from criminal convictions per NYCRR Title 10, Chapter 6, Part 800.8
  3. Be in continuous practice
  4. Demonstrate competency in cognitive, affective and psycho-motor domains
  5. Complete required ongoing continuing medical education and skills proficiency verification
  6. Be affiliated with a participating agency

What is the time frame for recertification?

From certification effective date till 45 days prior to expiration date.

Requirements for recertification

Contact EMSTAR for more information