Check and Inject Epinephrine Program
Review Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems, Policy 17-06 Syringe Epinephrine for Basic EMTs
Establish written policies and procedures with your agency physician medical director:
- Syringe Epinephrine Operating Policies and Procedures – sample
- written policy and procedure for the use of 1cc syringe. 23-gauge, 1-inch intra muscular safety needle and single dose 1:1000 epinephrine packaged in a 1 mg/ml vial.
- a description of how the “check and inject supplies will be stored, secured and maintained.
- a plan for proper post usage disposal of contaminated supplies.
- establishment of an administrative program of Q/A and post use reporting to the agency physician medical director.
- upon approval of the Southern Tier Regional Medical Advisory Committee, hands-on training and annual continuing education may be scheduled through EMSTAR.
- written policy for the required training program, continuing education and maintenance of competencies of all providers (minimum of basic EMT) – sample